• Exclusive VIP Cloud Storage

    Major update: Within our VIP section we’ll use a cloud storage to share exclusive files between members. Also, I’m currently ill. Most likely I have COVID. But soon I’ll get better. Thanks to Paracetamol®, Ginger/lemon shots from my local supermarket, orange juice and caffeine a.k.a. Red Bull 😂 Our project is progressing everyday, in a…

  • New logo design

    New logo design

  • Our Discord server is growing + new VIP section

    More people, more interviews, more information. I’m glad it turned out this way. And I’m happy about it. We get a lot of attention from the outside and from what I’ve heard people think it’s a good idea. They like the effort we put in. Some people recently texted me on Reddit about it. *smiles*…

  • Introducing our brand new Discord community

    December 4th 2023 around 4 AM (GMT+1) we started our brand new Discord server and we got in a very short time span a lot of attention. Currently, we have about 60 members+ and it looks like we’re growing each day. Tonight, we introduced a new channel to apply for membership status. We introduced this…

  • She gave me proof that I was right about the hiphop/rap community

    Disclaimer: This is not a scientific study, nor is it proof for anything. It’s just for the laughs. It is not intended to prove anything. Don’t take it too serious. But we all know there’s just a little truth behind every… You know these boring days when you just want to talk to people about…

  • How to get super rare unreleased ids

    Hey, Ace here. In order to get rare or just unreleased tracks in the highest possible quality (lossless), you will need to talk to people who are willing to trade these tracks with you or you will need to find these files on specific platforms. Usually these people got these unreleased tracks from the artist…

  • First post

    First post

    Hey, Ace here. It’s my first post on this website. Check out the website, you’ll find a lot of useful information. I promise 😉